U.S.G.A. Rules Govern All Play
Local Rules:
All boundary fences and/or white stakes define out of
bounds. Poles supporting netting, to the right of cart path on #17,
define out of bounds on that hole only.
Relief from all roads when they interfere with swing or
stance. Nearest relief within one club length, no nearer the hole.
Lateral Water Hazards: Right of green on #4; left of
green on #10; right of fairway on #17.
All players must register and pay fees before starting play!
All players must start on #1. Exception, by obtaining
permission from Pro Shop.
Appropriate clothing for golf is required at all
times. Men - Shirts with sleeves are appropriate, sleeveless
shirts and tank tops are not appropriate. Shorts are appropriate
providing that they are neat (no cut-offs or jogging shorts).
Women - Shirts should have wide enough shoulder seams to be
appropriate for golf. TUBE TOPS AND SWIM WEAR are not appropriate.
Shorts are appropriate if they are neat (no cut-offs or jogging
shorts) & not too short.
Each player must have golf clubs and golf bag.
Group limit: Threesomes and Foursomes
permitted at all times.
Fivesomes are permitted only if they are able to keep up with
pace of play. Singles and twosomes - Pro Shop will pair!
Keep riding carts on paths near tees and greens,
otherwise use 90ยบ Rule. Always keep carts at least 30 yards from greens!
a) Operator must have valid drivers license!
b) Only 2 riders and 2 bags per cart!
Avoid slow play - Players with one hole open ahead, must
allow faster groups to play through. A 9-hole round of golf, should be completed in less than 2 hours.
